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Our new AMNOG Negotiation Guide is online now!

With the SHI Financial Stabilisation Act (GKV-FinStG), the framework conditions for price negotiations for medicinal products in Germany have been made more complex and have been systematically tightened by the legislator to the disadvantage of the pharmaceutical industry. On the one hand the extend of the additional benefit and on the other hand the

Non-randomised studies and non-adjusted indirect comparisons

Overview of our services in the field of non-randomised studies and indirect comparisons Strategic consulting Systematic research Study design consulting Statistical consulting Non-randomised studies and non-adjusted indirect comparisons in benefit assessments Benefit assessments, at EU level as well as full assessments in Germany, are used to compare the efficacy and safety of a health

Confidentiality of the reimbursement amount has its price!

As part of the dialogue with the pharmaceutical industry, the German government has promised to introduce the option of a confidential reimbursement amount. The aim is to support pharmaceutical companies whose products are subject to a considerable price decrease after undergoing an AMNOG benefit assessment by offering the option to keep the new price confidential.

Further specifications on the GKV-FinStG law

In their 2nd and 3rd reading, the German Parliament has decided further specifications of the new law on the financial stabilisation of the statutory health insurances (GKV-FinStG). As already outlined in the draft of the law, the outcome of the AMNOG benefit assessment will further gain importance for the subsequent price negotiations. In case the

GKV-FinStG cabinet decision: Power shift in favor of the statutory health insurance companies expected

The German cabinet, the coalition group of ministers,  has decided to introduce the draft bill on the financial stabilization of the statutory health insurance (GKV-FinStG) into the parliamentary process [GKV-Finanzstabilisierungsgesetz - Bundesgesundheitsministerium]. The subjects of the draft bill are amendments to the Social Code Book V, in particular sections § 35a and § 130b, which

GKV-FinStG draft law: The status of the comparator will impact the outcome of price negotiations

Recently, the German Federal Ministry of Health has published a draft law on the financial stabilization of the statutory health insurance (GKV-FinStG). In the following figure, we have summarized the newly proposed negotiation terms. The draft law intends for a stricter regulation of price negotiations following benefit assessments depending on the status of the most

GKV-FinStG draft law: Power shift in favor of the statutory health insurance companies expected

The German Federal Ministry of Health has published a draft law on the financial stabilization of the statutory health insurance (GKV-FinStG). The subjects of the draft are amendments to the Social Code Book V, in particular Articles § 35 a and § 130 b, which include the early benefit assessment of new active substances and

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