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Transition to EU HTA – Consequences of an existence of national and EU HTA in parallel

Overview of our services Strategic advice   Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 Article 7 (1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 specifies when a health technology must undergo a Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA). Paragraph 1a stipulates that the time of initial market authorization application (MAA) is decisive. A JCA of the new health technology only needs to be

2024-04-19T12:58:28+02:0019. February 2024|European HTA|0 Comments

GKV-FinStG draft law: Power shift in favor of the statutory health insurance companies expected

The German Federal Ministry of Health has published a draft law on the financial stabilization of the statutory health insurance (GKV-FinStG). The subjects of the draft are amendments to the Social Code Book V, in particular Articles § 35 a and § 130 b, which include the early benefit assessment of new active substances and

Challenges and Chances of the EU-HTA

The first medicinal products used to treat oncologic diseases and ATMPs will be assessed within the framework of the Joint Clinical Assessments on the level of the European Union (EU) starting in 2025. Until then, the necessary health technology assessment (HTA) process needs to be defined and refined. Today, we were honored to present our

2022-04-05T15:02:46+02:0023. February 2022|European HTA|0 Comments
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